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🇮🇩Dahaeng Inji Bulhaeng Inji (Official)
Is It a Fortune or Is It a Woe? / Is It Fortune or Is It Woe? / Weal or Woe? / 幸运还是不幸 / 다행인지 불행인지 / Keberuntungan atau Kemalangan
Noh Hueda / Eunren
Though I May Be a Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness!
Akuyaku Reijou Desuga, Shiawase ni Natte Misemasu wa! / Antologi Wanita Penjahat / Antología de la dama villana / Aunque pueda ser una villana, ¡te mostraré que puedo obtener la felicidad! / Gonosztevő hölgy antológia / Kumpulan Otome Villains / So What If I'm a Villainess, I'll Show You All I Can Become Happy! / Though I May Be a Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness! / Tuyển Tập Nữ Phụ Phẚn Diện / Tuyển Tập Oneshot Nữ Phụ / Tuyển Tập Oneshot Nữ Phụ Phản Diện / Villain Lady's Anthology / Villainess Anthology / Villainess Week / Даже злодейка может найти настоящую любовъ / Сборник «леди-злодеек» / Сборник историй о злодейках / Сборник синглов про злодеек / Хоть я и злодейка, но я вам ещё покажу, что смогу обрести счастье! / خب چی میشه که یک زن شرور باشم، بهت نشون میدم که میتونم خوشبخت باشم. / فکر کردی من یک زن شرورم، بهت نشون میدم که میتونم خوشبخت بشم. / แม้ว่าฉันจะเป็นนางร้ายฉันก็จะแสดงให้ดูว่าฉันก็มีความสุขได้ / แม้ว่าฉันจะเป็นนางร้ายฉันก็จะแสดงให้ดูว่าฉันก็มีความสุขได้ ตอนที่ ตอนที่ / 恶役千金也会得到幸福 / 悪役令嬢ですが、幸せになってみせますわ! / 悪役令嬢ですが、幸せになってみせますわ! アンソロジーコミック / 悪役令嬢ですが、幸せになってみせますわ!アンソロジーコミック / 惡役千金也會得到幸福 / 악역 영애지만, 행복해질 거예요! / 악역 영애지만, 행복해질 거예요! 앤솔로지 코믹스
AIKAWA Yuu / Anthology / bouro / CHIAKI Rie / Ehito / ENJU Subaru / Funineko / Hazuki (葉月) / Hizuki (希月) / KAGARI Touya / KANADE Yumika / KAWANO Akiko / KAZUKATA Jin / KIRAKU Naohito / KOYAMA Nayu / Kozuki / Kyouka (杏花) / Maa (まぁ) / Mafuyubi / Maro (まろ) / MICHIYUKI Aoi / Mikoto (II) / MIZUNO Saaya / NEKOMATA Doremi / REIGA Utsuho / SAKAKI Dora / Sazanami / SEKIMIYA Amon / Tetsuhako / Yoruru / Yoshimura / YUKI Yukiko / YUUKI Satoru / Chuugyaku / HOSHINO Soumei / KIDA Yonoichi / KOYUKI Iroha / KUROE Yui / MAARAA Natsu / Mimasaka / MOCHIDA Moo / MUGICHA Poyoko / NAKAKURA Chikage / Nanso / OHITSUJI Ei / Potagi / SHIROHITO Rita / SORAKURA Shikiji / TACHIBANA Edaka / USUI Tsukasa / Wamome / YAMASHIRO Umeta / YATSUHASHI Hachi / YUMOTO Miko / YUZUKI Ei
🇮🇩Stay With Me
Quédate Conmigo / 留在我身边 / 스테이 위드 미 / Ubibae
Pupu / Jaeho
Shitsuke ga Nattenai
Ueda Niku
Kitaru Harekake no Ashita yo
来たる晴れかけの明日よ / Clear Skies from Now on / kitaru harekake no asuyo
ueda aki
Shitasaki ni Yoake no Aji
舌先に夜明けの味 / The Taste of Daybreak on the Tip of My Tongue
ueda aki
Stay With Me (Official)
Quédate Conmigo / 留在我身边 / 스테이 위드 미
Pupu / Jaeho
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Mature,Smut,Childhood Friends,Drama,Full Color,Romance,Showbiz,Slice of Life
Mayonaka no BL Henshuubu wa Yume wo Miru
The BL Editorial Department Dreams at Midnight
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Smut,Fantasy,Office Workers
Anta Nante Daikirai
アンタなんて大嫌い / I hate you / Anata Nante Daikirai
Ueda Niku
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Smut,Office Workers,Romance
Over Scall
After The Rain / Over Squall / オーバースコール
The Bride Is A Well Brought Up Boy
ヨメは箱入り息子; Yome wa Hakoiri Musuko
I’m Glad They Kicked Me From The Hero’s Party... But Why’re you following me, Great Saintess? (Official)
I Was Expelled From the Brave Party, but I'm Happy That You Left the Nest. So, Great Saint, Is It Troublesome for You to Come After Me? / Yuusha party wo tuihou sareta ore daga, ore kara sudatte kuretayoude ureshii. nanode daiseijo, omae ni otte korarete ha komarunodaga? / 勇者パーティーを追放された俺だが、俺から巣立ってくれたようで嬉しい。…なので大聖女、お前に追って来られては困るのだが?
Hatsueda Renge / Shibano Kaito / Kurimoto Pinko
Wandering Border
Wandering Border / ワンダー・ボーダー / 奇妙分界線 / Wonder Border
🇭🇺Arcana 05 - Japanese Style / Samurai
Absolute Obedience, The Peach's Rebellion / Arcana - Japanese Style and Samurai / Arcana - Wafuu / Samurai / Arcana 05: Japanese Style and Samurai / Arcana 5 / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (5) [和風/侍] / Confetti in the Fish Tank / Kakure Oni / Last Night's Rain Lifts / Miokuribana / Moonlight Sei-kun / Mushroom and Kappa - Arcana Compilation for Ninjas on Business Trips / Our Detective Story / Pure Land Eye Story / Samurai Soul / Swordplay / Takeda-sama, the Town Magistrate / Tenmatsu, the Kabuki Actor with a Charming Figure / The Overnight Rain Stops / The Queen’s Dog / The Thunder God and the Wind God / Urahara / Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 05 - Japanese Style / Samurai
arcana anthology / akanatsu / aoto takane / araishi ikkyou / asada yasuka / gunjou / kayase shiki / kikuta yui / kouzuki leo / magami guriko / mazaki haruka / mikanagi touya / minekura kazuya / oshino hikaru / saeki yashiro / shindou arashi / ueda shinshu / yoshizawa tomoya
Josei(W),Martial Arts,Tragedy
Dawn - Tsumetai Te
돈 / 돈 - 차가운 손 / DAWN ~冷たい手 / Dawn Chilly Hands / Dawn Tsumetai Te / DAWN~冷たい手~
ueda shinsyu
🇵🇱A Trap Can Use a Girl's Weapons
A Trap Can Also Use Girls' Weapons / 女の武器が使えてこそ男の娘です。
ueda yuu
Comedy,Gender Bender
Anata no Shiranai Sekai
あなたの知らない世界 / A World Unknown to You / Anatano Shiranai Sekai / The World You Don' / t Know
igarashi kaoru / ueda miki / komuro eiko / mizuguchi ryouko / hayatsu chitosa / kawamura jun
Arcana 07 - Wizard / Magician
Arcana - Mahoutsukai / Jutsushi / Arcana - Wizard and Magician / Arcana 07: Wizard and Magician / Arcana 7 / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (7) [魔法使い/術師] / Forest’s Poison / Good Day For Me / Kashoku / Kawahori the Word Man / Kokonoe Kyuujutsu / Love Coloured Glasses / Magic! / Magical Girl Alice and Her Brother / Mushroom and Kappa - Magic Users’ Chapter / Night Bird / Secret Service / The Kind Black Witch / The Kind Magician and the Paper Bag Girl / The Magician and I / The Witch and I / Wizard / Magician / Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 07 - Wilted Flowers
arcana anthology / aoto takane / bikke / d. kissan / igarashi ran / kaede tohru / kayase shiki / kouzuki reo / kumeta natsuo / magami guriko / mikawa verno / mizuhara kenta / mizutani yuzu / omote sora / saeki yashiro / suzuki ichiko / ueda shinshu
🇫🇷Arcana 07 - Wizard / Magician
Arcana - Mahoutsukai / Jutsushi / Arcana - Wizard and Magician / Arcana 07: Wizard and Magician / Arcana 7 / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (7) [魔法使い/術師] / Forest’s Poison / Good Day For Me / Kashoku / Kawahori the Word Man / Kokonoe Kyuujutsu / Love Coloured Glasses / Magic! / Magical Girl Alice and Her Brother / Mushroom and Kappa - Magic Users’ Chapter / Night Bird / Secret Service / The Kind Black Witch / The Kind Magician and the Paper Bag Girl / The Magician and I / The Witch and I / Wizard / Magician / Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 07 - Wilted Flowers
arcana anthology / aoto takane / bikke / d. kissan / igarashi ran / kaede tohru / kayase shiki / kouzuki reo / kumeta natsuo / magami guriko / mikawa verno / mizuhara kenta / mizutani yuzu / omote sora / saeki yashiro / suzuki ichiko / ueda shinshu
Alice in Wonderland - Alice to Fushigi na Gensou Sekai (Doujinshi)
Alice in Wonderland DJ: Alice to Fushigi na Gensou Sekai / Alice in Wonderland: Alice to Fushigi na Gensou Sekai
fancyfantasia (circle) / ueda ryou
🇪🇸Arcana 07 - Wizard / Magician
Arcana - Mahoutsukai / Jutsushi / Arcana - Wizard and Magician / Arcana 07: Wizard and Magician / Arcana 7 / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (7) [魔法使い/術師] / Forest’s Poison / Good Day For Me / Kashoku / Kawahori the Word Man / Kokonoe Kyuujutsu / Love Coloured Glasses / Magic! / Magical Girl Alice and Her Brother / Mushroom and Kappa - Magic Users’ Chapter / Night Bird / Secret Service / The Kind Black Witch / The Kind Magician and the Paper Bag Girl / The Magician and I / The Witch and I / Wizard / Magician / Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 07 - Wilted Flowers
arcana anthology / aoto takane / bikke / d. kissan / igarashi ran / kaede tohru / kayase shiki / kouzuki reo / kumeta natsuo / magami guriko / mikawa verno / mizuhara kenta / mizutani yuzu / omote sora / saeki yashiro / suzuki ichiko / ueda shinshu
Full Metal Panic Sigma
gatou shouji (story), ueda hiroshi (art)
Arcana 05 - Japanese Style / Samurai
Absolute Obedience, The Peach's Rebellion / Arcana - Japanese Style and Samurai / Arcana - Wafuu / Samurai / Arcana 05: Japanese Style and Samurai / Arcana 5 / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (5) [和風/侍] / Confetti in the Fish Tank / Kakure Oni / Last Night's Rain Lifts / Miokuribana / Moonlight Sei-kun / Mushroom and Kappa - Arcana Compilation for Ninjas on Business Trips / Our Detective Story / Pure Land Eye Story / Samurai Soul / Swordplay / Takeda-sama, the Town Magistrate / Tenmatsu, the Kabuki Actor with a Charming Figure / The Overnight Rain Stops / The Queen’s Dog / The Thunder God and the Wind God / Urahara / Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 05 - Japanese Style / Samurai
arcana anthology / akanatsu / aoto takane / araishi ikkyou / asada yasuka / gunjou / kayase shiki / kikuta yui / kouzuki leo / magami guriko / mazaki haruka / mikanagi touya / minekura kazuya / oshino hikaru / saeki yashiro / shindou arashi / ueda shinshu / yoshizawa tomoya
Josei(W),Martial Arts,Tragedy
Bushin Gikyoku
Beijing Opera / L'Opéra de Pékin / Story of Beijing Opera / The Story of Beijing Opera / 武神戯曲
ueda hiroshi
Arcana 10 - Conflict / Secret Societies
A Promise / Arcana - Conflict & Secret Societies / Arcana - Tousou / Himitsukessha / Arcana 10 / Arcana 10: Conflict & Secret Societies / At the End of an Endless Desire / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (10) [闘争/秘密結社] / Be Enthusiastic, Father! / Black Swastika Army / Demon King Time / Fang / Hideout / Let’s Meet at the Secret Society / Messenger of Justice ★ Moonlight Organisation / Mushroom and Kappa - A Fierce Conflict of Honourable Men / Ranpo-sensei Laughs Like This / Rindou / Secret Mission / The Order of Young Knights / The Village of the Secret Agreement / Un Orso / Will O' the Wisp / Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 10 - Tousou/Himitsukessha
arcana anthology / akai higasa / akanatsu / asada yasuka / inui miku / kanou ruri / katagiri ikumi / kawazoe mariko / kayase shiki / kinoshita sakura / kouzuki leo / magami guriko / mizuhara kenta / nakamura sachiko / saeki yashiro / seno tatsune / takamiya aya / takayama shinobu / ueda shinshu / usaki hitomi
🇪🇸A World Unknown to You
A World Unknown to You / Anata no Shiranai Sekai / Anatano Shiranai Sekai / あなたの知らない世界 / The World You Don't Know
hayatsu chitosa / igarashi kaoru / kawamura jun / komuro eiko / mizuguchi ryouko / ueda miki
Baroque - Ketsuraku no Paradigm
Baroque ~欠落のパラダイム / Baroque (UEDA Shinsyu) / BAROQUE Ketsuraku no Paradigm
ueda shinsyu